Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Six days. Six blissful days of doing absolutely nothing really worth mentioning in the grand scheme of things. We went on vacation. To Marco Island, in Florida. I used to be somewhat repelled by the idea of going to Florida, hearkening back to trips there as a child in the middle of the summer, walking around Disney World, and perspiring profusely in the so-thick-you-can-cut-it humid air.

I think it must have been that I was so dried out here combined with the fact that being January the weather there was a bit more mild... it was, in a word, delightful. We rented a nice house, and spent our time floating in the pool, resting in the sun, walking the beach, eating delicious food, and swimming in the ocean.

God's handiwork is so incredible... the beauty of the sea, the waves rolling up on the shore and then sliding smoothly back over myriad shells left on the sand... gorgeous sunsets... His whole wonderful creation.

The back of the house, from inside the lanai. Marco Island is kind of like a bunch of canals that lead out to the gulf.

The beautiful Tigertail Beach... widest beach I've ever seen in my life!

Pink and yellow houses... only in Florida! :-)

Got my first ever French manicure (well, actually my first manicure, period).


  1. Oh, Kathryn, Florida looks - B.E. A.U.T.I.F.U.L.!

    Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  2. Oh, how beautiful! All the pictures are gorgeous and Florida looks lovely.

  3. beautiful photos! beautiful phlorida:-) makes me miss it incredibly! I'm glad that the thought of florida was possibly redeemed in your mind slightly. the coastal cities are WAY better than Orlando and I'll leave it at that

    1. Let's say that the thought of Florida in winter is definitely redeemed in my mind. :-) "Phlorida" - I miss you, you crack me up!

  4. Ohhhhh. I started picking favorites, but really, I like the whole post!
    The last one is a real stunner though, and the waves! My friend went last summer and told me about I get to see them! =D
    I really, really like the one of the birds too. It's so cool and they're so cool.


  5. Yes, it's the place I love so well! My home state! Lovely pictures!


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