Saturday, April 28, 2012

Why I've Been Too Busy to Post

I realize I have neglected my poor blog shamefully of late... but, behold, I have a host of legitimate excuses.

1. Every moment of spare time last week was spent sewing on my 1912 evening gown, which I finished only hours before I wore it to...

2. Our Titanic Ball. Since this year marked the 100th anniversary of the Titanic, we had a Titanic themed ball and everyone came dressed up in 1912 attire, or as close to it as they were able to achieve. It was lovely. And did not leave time for blogging.

3. I had a birthday. I thought the day would play out that I'd have lunch and shopping with Wendy, and then I could come home and probably sew some more. Instead I was surprised by 10 other friends waiting for me in the restaurant (I love you girls!!). It was a lovely birthday. I could now sell my baby clothes on Etsy as "vintage." (And people say 20 isn't old... *winks*)

4. Lily stayed over with us for almost a week after the ball so we could work on her website, and do fun things like antique shopping.

That brings us to today. I'll leave you with one picture I took of the delightful R. family just before we headed to the ball, in their incredible 1912 ensembles. Their amazingness always amazes me. :-)

Come back soon (hopefully soon, I'll do my best...) for some newborn sweetness!


  1. You are right--the " "R family is delightful and
    amazing. Lovely attire, "R" family

  2. Many welcomes to the realm of "old" people. I feel rather honored to have been part of both your birthday and your ball!! :D

    1. I'm so glad you were a part of my birthday... if Wendy hadn't already asked me to lunch I was going to call you girls and demand that you come over. How nice that it worked out that I got to do both. :-)

  3. Happy belated birthday and I loved seeing all the pictures from the ball! It looked like you all had a great time! :) I am so glad that you are back into blogging, I have missed your beautiful photos. :D

    1. We had a fabulous time at the ball! It's too bad you had to miss it. :-(

  4. Happy (Belated) Birthday!! 20 is a great age to be.. :)

    Sounds like you had been having a great time during your 'blogging break'!

    1. Well, it's good to hear that from somebody who's been 20 before. ;-) I certainly enjoyed my time away from blogging, though it is nice to get back to it as well!


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