Friday, April 26, 2013

Colonial Williamsburg | Personal

We had been scheming this trip for several years, but we had never actually made it happen. Lily and Gretel go to Williamsburg every year, and we always look at their pictures longingly. We have been to Williamsburg twice before, but the last time we were there was 9 years ago.

This year it finally happened. We drove out to Virginia and spent nearly a week in the ridiculously charming Colonial Williamsburg. Seriously, people, it's really amazing that a place this cute exists. It's rather hard to come home to the midwest after that...

Since it had taken so long to make this trip a reality, we were going to milk it for all it was worth, so we went all out with period correct 18th century outfits. Lily is Colonial Seamstress Extraordinaire, and I was privileged to have my gown made by her talented fingers. Tara whipped up an insane number of garments in about 2 weeks time, making me look like a complete wimp (which I am, when it comes to sewing).

We spent the week roaming the streets and gardens, visiting shops and trades, attending a concert in the ballroom of the Governor's Palace, listening to actor portrayals of the founding fathers and having a generally marvelous time. I didn't take half as many pictures as I thought I would, because I forgot about the fact that carrying a giant black piece of equipment around would really ruin my authentic look. :-) So, not a ton of pictures got taken, but still enough to warrant a post. I hope you enjoy just a peek into our week of traipsing the streets of Williamsburg!

Charming doors and gardens abound! And hurray, charming 18th century girls to stick in them!

The lambs were out and we spent the week hunting around for them. There was an ever-elusive group of triplets that we searched for and only found out where they were on our way home.

There's me on the first day, in all my hairspray-less glory.
I can assure you I doused myself in it every day thereafter.

This room is so perfect. Sloping ceiling, little mini doors, pretty bed... yep, love.

I have a desk obsession.

Game Pye at the King's Arms Tavern

Lily in her amazing silk polonaise she made at a class here in Williamsburg. Ridiculously precise matching of stripes...

The print shop was one of my favorites. What can I say, paper and ink gives me a thrill!
It also had many highly photographable objects in it. Double yay!

My dress made by the amazing Lily! I love it!

Especially the back bodice pleats... there's some fancy French name for those...

Hand-stitched frills and my shoes from American Duchess!!

I couldn't help taking a picture of this notice on the wall of Wetherburn's Tavern. Paper, ink, cool handwriting, old phraseology, AND a ball... what's better than that? :-)

Gretel the Adorable.

Whose stripey, ruffly, minty jacket I wouldn't mind stealing from her...

It was a simply wonderful week. THANK YOU R's for having us!!! Next year? :-)


  1. Gosh, Colonial Williamsburg looks so wonderful! It looks like a beautiful place to visit. I love all of the photos!

    All of you girls dresses are amazing! You all look gorgeous. :)

  2. So much fun! I visited Williamsburg about 5 years ago, and it's fun to recognize some of the places in your pictures. :)

  3. Beautiful shots, Kathryn. Love the printer shop ones :)

  4. I remember the printers shop . . . !

    Williamsburg is truly wonderful. Thanks for giving us a taste of it here on the blog.

  5. Aww, those are my old stomping grounds :) I was born in Richmond and then our family lived in Charles City for five years - about half an hour from Williamsburg. I love all the historic places there, even though I was young when we moved away. My father was able to do carpentry on Sherwood Forest - the plantation home of President John Tyler's family ... that was pretty special :)

  6. Kathryn,

    It looks like you all had a lovely time!


  7. Hi, My sisters and I just found your blog, and I must say, you do a beautiful job, and we are planning on sticking around awhile! :)
    Your dresses are all so beautifully lovely! Seems like you had a wonderful time!

    The Middle Sister and Singer

  8. What a blissful time you all must have had!! The pictures are simply perfection, as well as your amazing costumes!



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