Thursday, September 19, 2013

1940's Shoot

Some of you may remember the 1950's shoot I did with my sister and friends, Lily & Gretel. We had so much fun that we decided we'd keep doing it, going back by decade. Scheduling conflicts arose, and it has taken us this long to make it to the 1940's! In a way, this was really fine with me, since I have come quite a ways in photography since then. :-)

We spent the entire morning getting ourselves fitted out in 40's style - I tell you, I couldn't imagine getting myself gussied up like that every day, but then I was reminded that in the 40's if you did your hair like that every day you'd get a perm. :-) We strolled around a couple of antique stores first, and then we headed over to a park by the railroad tracks. Railroad tracks are the classic photo spot - EVERYONE shoots on railroad tracks.... except me, apparently. Until this shoot I'd never shot on railroad tracks. But now I can say I have, which just makes me a more trustworthy photographer, right? :-)

Lily has a mania for vintage luggage, which worked out well, so that instead of just shooting on railroad tracks, we could use it to convey a 1940's travel theme. After we finished the shoot, we went to Culver's and had custard... after all, it's tradition.

Check out Lily's post about her adorable dress on her brand new blog, Mode de Lis!
Gretel's stinkin' cute shoes are original 40's pumps! I wish I had feet that small!

For the grandparents... :-)

Tara only got one picture because we were getting very hot and sticky and ready for ice cream
(plus we already did a shoot with this dress :-)

'Cause everyone waits for the train while standing right in the middle of the tracks... that way you're sure to know when it arrives. :-)


  1. Yes, you really are!

    Karen (the Mrs.)

    PS Kathryn you did a great job!

  2. Oh my goodness, these are so cute! And all those dresses are so pretty. I love all the colors. :D

  3. LOVE <3 This is so, so cute, I really like the adorable outfits. You all look great!

  4. Haha!^ yes, you all are too cute. =D These are so fun, Kathryn! The vintage luggage added a great "1940's touch", and I love how each of you chose the different color dresses! I would have loved to have seen you all dressed up, donning your 21st century digital camera. ;-)

    1. Yeah, that's where it becomes inconvenient to be the photographer... you're the one who has to ruin your look by carrying a giant black piece of equipment in your daintily gloved hands. :-)

  5. These are utterly gorgeous. Wow. Putting me to shame, as usual. ;-) Love the dresses, the hair, the poses - THE LADIES. Perfection! :D

  6. Oh, I absolutely love this! Your dresses are all so fun and colorful. I can't wait until you do 1930's. And Gretel's shoes certainly are enviable. :)

    The Middle Sister and Singer

  7. These portraits are so beautiful and it looks like you had a pretty memorable time together, too. =) Love the style/color of the dresses! A friend and I recently did somewhat of a "styled" shoot with vintage suitcases + cameras, a guitar, etc, and it was so much fun. :) Thanks for sharing! Your photography work is beautifully inspiring - reminds me of Katelyn James. :) Blessings!

  8. Love the shot of Gretel and Lily looking at each other. Looks like a page ripped out of LIFE magazine.

  9. The train tracks are so neat! You guys look so good together! I especially like sister pics. :-)

  10. Love 40's style! and love your red dress! Where did you get it?

    1. Thanks! It's technically orange, but pretty close to red. :-) I actually made it myself - it's from a vintage pattern, DuBarry 5435.

  11. Best shoot EVER! Loved it! I need to learn to sew and make my own modest dresses. By the way, I am Rosa and it was nice to discover your blog .. you are doing beautifully with your photography and I shall be coming back to stalk your blog! ;)

  12. haha- love the last comment! :) Oh, the things we do for good photos. : )

  13. Wow, that was a marvelous photo shoot! I love the addition of the vintage suitcases. What fun! I am jealous.

    I just found Lily's blog today at Chronically Vintage and was directed to this blog from her 1940s Photo Shoot post. I am so happy to have stopped by :)


  14. Oh, I was also going to tell you that way back in the 1980s, when I was your age, I used to set my hair every night in sponge curlers. I love the 1940's looks as a girl, too.



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