Finally! Here I am posting some pictures from one of the photo shoots I did recently. This one was pretty short (comparatively) as the only purpose for it was to get pictures of our lovely friends, Laura and Kristen, in the beautiful Colonial gowns my sister made for them to wear to an event. (Yes. She is a talented seamstress.
Visit her blog for further proof).
Here is the gorgeous Laura, wearing her drool-worthy gown made out of embroidered linen!
Here is a shot of the pleated sleeve ruffle, which I took that morning while the dress was still on the dressform.
And Kristen, looking simply regal in that beautiful gown of gold! You can't tell in the picture but it has a delicious stiffness to it and a train, of which I am envious.
Here's Kristen's sleeve detail. Why don't we dress like this anymore?
After we got the "formal" shots (which were for my sister's blog, so if you go there you will recognize them :-), we got some more informal and fun shots too. Laura and Kristen were so cute and I loved all the laughing candids I got. This is very characteristic of us... we laugh a lot when we are together. :-)
The girls cracking up after a failed attempt at a serious pose.
I love you girls!
Oh... and Laura made some yummmy key lime pie bars that we ate after our exhausting laugh session!
More pictures comin' up soon... I hope...