Saturday, March 9, 2013

Distracted :-) | Personal

I realize I've been neglecting the blog... I'm sorry, but I figured that the wedding post was so long it could keep you busy for a little while, and I've been a bit distracted from computer work recently. Last week my dad and I drove up to Michigan and brought home my beautiful pedal harp! For those of you harp-illiterate folks :-), there are two kinds of harps. Lever harps change pitch (sharps & flats) with levers at the top of the harp, and pedal harps change with foot pedals. You can play a larger variety of music with a pedal harp. I never dreamed I would get one this soon, and it was so neat how the Lord worked everything out, even to the family we purchased it from being a Christian, homeschooling family!

Needless to say, I'm pretty ecstatic and I've been playing it till my fingers blister. And ignoring my blog. Don't worry, though, I've got some more stuff coming up. Stay tuned! (pun unintentional).


  1. SO CRAZY EXCITED FOR YOU. :)) it's just beautiful.

    1. COME OVER!!! NOW! And bring your harp, my top F popped the second day I had it home, so I'm all refreshed on string replacement. ;-) Raeanne and I are scheming a harp date, wanna join us???

    2. YES!!! that sounds fantastic! :D and actually... after going to Greencastle with you & your lovely harp-playing-ness, I got inspired and finally replaced the string myself. five youtube videos later... ;D

  2. Ooooooh Awesome!! I LOVE the harp! It's such a lovely instrument :D

  3. Dear Kathryn,
    I am so glad the Lord saw fit to provide you with such a beautiful harp!

    May you continue to bless others and glorify Christ's name with the music you play on this new harp.


  4. I am so jealous! But happy that you have one :) ~Kristalyn

  5. It's lovely! Now the real question here is can you play Les Mis songs on it? ;)

    1. Haha! I'm actually learning a Les Mis medley for harp ensemble. I'd video it for you, but it's not too interesting listening to only one half of a duet. :-)

  6. EEEP! So so happy for you!! It's so pretty!! Let's learn some duets on our new fabulous instruments!! :)

  7. oooooooooh, CONGRATS Kathryn!!! How perfectly splendid for you. ^_^

  8. That's a pretty harp! You have a good excuse to neglect your blog. :D

  9. Wow!! It's gorgeous!! Happy for you! :D


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