Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Babiak Kids | Portraits

A portrait session with a group of eight brothers and sisters is bound to be a bit of an adventure. :-) Thankfully, it wasn't uncharted waters for me, having handled a group of 10 siblings before, but still - this isn't something you do every day! Kaila emailed me about doing this shoot as a surprise anniversary gift for their parents (all together now: "awwww!"). We decided to do it in Lake Geneva while their parents were having a getaway, which was pretty funny, because their parents were staying at a hotel in Lake Geneva at the time! So the whole time we were hoping they wouldn't decide to take a walk around the lake - 8 kids in brightly colored outfits aren't the easiest things to hide. Thankfully it drizzled, so we had no need to all dive into the lake to escape detection. :-)

Lake Geneva is officially going on my favorite-spots-to-shoot list!

Their family business is selling books, so we got some book themed shots... little guys weren't quite getting the concept... ;-)


  1. Great pictures, Kathryn! Is there a website for their book business that we could check out? :)

    1. Thanks! They have an Amazon store: http://www.amazon.com/shops/bookworm_babiaks

  2. Cute!!!! I have seven younger siblings and I definitely know how crazy it can be sometimes to take pictures of so many kids :)

  3. The Babiak FamilyJune 4, 2013 at 1:00 PM

    We love the pictures Kathryn. Thanks so much for doing them.

  4. You did well handling this many subjects! The second photo with the books is a favorite - well composed.

  5. These are so sweet, Kathryn! I love all the colorful outfits.


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