Friday, October 10, 2014

Remembering WWII | Personal

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of traveling to Linden, TN with my favorite Lily and family for the Remembering WWII living history event. I have never attended any kind of reenactment that's WWII themed, despite the fact that I love the 1940's, so when Lily asked me if I wanted to go with them, I didn't have to think twice about it.

We arrived at our cute bed and breakfast around 11pm, only to find that though our reservation had come through the electronic system, it had failed to make it in the books and they had no empty rooms! Thankfully a nearby motel was able to accommodate us. We all were bemoaning the fact that we didn't get to stay in the charming inn, but when we were ready to go in the morning we found we had a flat tire and the motel was right next door to a car repair shop that was able to fix it for us! The Lord provides. :-)

My goal while I was there was to enjoy myself at the event, so I didn't snap too many pictures. I took enough to commemorate that I was there and then put the camera away. Besides, it ruins your look to be dressed 1940s but lugging a very 2014 piece of photographic equipment. :-)

The setup in the town was impressive - it was incredible to see the sheer amount of labor that had to be involved to simply put up all those barricades, tents, chairs, and military paraphernalia, let alone all the planning that came before that stage. My favorites would of course be the old cars (be still my heart!). Someday I shall have some classy wheels to call my own. :-) Highlights of the day include listening to popular songs of the 40's, root beer floats at the canteen, hearing the stories of the veterans who spoke, and of course seeing everyone outfitted in their 1940's garb! It was really neat to see how many original period dresses there were. So inspiring!

It was a real pleasure to meet several blog readers over the course of the day - it is always so nice to meet real people and find out they are not just a name on a screen. :-) The first to come up were the lovely Boyer ladies, from Boyer Family Singers - I so enjoyed chatting with them and connecting in person, as well as listening to their delightful music. We didn't get a picture with all of us during the event, but we did get one at church the next morning (stealing this photo from their blog):

In the evening, we were invited to the private USO themed dinner given for the veterans, reenactors, and participants, which was adorably decorated with cafe lights and bunting, with a stage looking quite as you'd imagine a stage to look back then. We enjoyed a rendition of Winston Churchill's speech, and a lovely program of 40's tunes from the Boyer Family Singers - not to mention a photo op with (you guessed it) another fabulous car. :-)

This is me looking very much at home. ;-)
(Thanks for the picture, Lily!)
(And also, shout out to the shoes. Because they are the cutest. My feet screamed at me all day long but I just ignored them.)

It was a wonderful event all around. I really appreciated the focus on hearing the first hand accounts from the veterans - passing on the legacy, remembering the past. So many reenactment type events can be so battle-focused, and I was so glad that this one was specifically and intentionally geared toward honoring the men who fought for our freedom and hearing their stories. Many thanks to the Courters and everyone who worked so hard to put on such a great event! My passion for the 40's has renewed vigor and I have been listening to big band for the last two weeks. :-)


  1. Oh my goodness! These photos are simply perfection :) You captured the event so perfectly! (And it was SO fun to meet you, Lily, and Gretel! :)


  2. Ohhh my! Tha looks like it was an amazing event! If they do it again next year, I'm totally going! You three ladies look so lovely!! Thanks for sharing the photos!
    And, yes. I want your shoes. :-)

  3. Looks like you had a lot of fun! I would love to attend something like that and dress up for it. Alas maybe someday =) You all look so 1940's good job! And I love the old cars too!

  4. What great pictures:) I feel like I was almost there now:) I really like your maroon/ purple dress, and I would love to know how you did your hair. It's beautiful. I also really like your glasses:)

    I'm sure it was a wonderful time to fellowship and celebrate together with other believers.

    1. Thank you! Lily helped me with my hair, but I set it in two stand-up pin curls overnight, curling away from the part, and one on the smaller side. The rest of my head I curled with hot rollers (curling down). After taking out the curls, the front is in two dry pin curls with some slack in front to create the "swoop."

  5. Oh it was so fun meeting you Kathryn! And I know what you mean about cute shoes and screaming feet. :) Mine were the same way that day.
    And you do look right at home in the "gangster" car. ;)

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  6. Ah... so neat! Everything is so amazingly realistic, and it looks as though a lot of work was put into the event! (You look awful adorable in that vintage car, by the way ;-)

  7. Loving all your photos from the event! When I saw on The Boyer Family Singers blog that you were at the event it made me wish I could have been there even more! It sound like such a great time was had by all.

  8. You were just down the road from where we used to live! We were in Lobelville but the county seat was actually Linden … we used to go to Linden to eat Mexican food or visit our dentist :) Love the pictures!


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