Monday, November 19, 2012

Abbe | Portraits

If you've been reading my blog for a while you'll remember Abbe from the shoot I did with her group of 10 siblings. She decided she needed some new head shots, and when I got the email I did a happy dance (not literally, of course). Ever since the sibling shoot I'd been hoping to do personal portraits of the girls (Brooke, you're next! ;-), so this week we made it happen.

It was FREEZING out when we shot these... I was frigid and I was wearing my winter coat and hat! I'm so glad she was tough enough to face the wind and look amazing at the same time - Abbe, I hope you find these images worth it. I do. :-) Enjoy some favorites!

Hello, fabulous sequin skirt.

It's fun how I have shot at Woodstock Square so many times, but I still keep finding new nooks!

She found this vintage piece of coat perfection for $25 (right, Abbe?).
Why do I never find deals like this?

I love laughing photos. :-)



  1. This is a kind of strange question, but do you recall meeting or hearing about a photographer called Mikayla Kosicek of Capture the Canvas Photography. She's an old friend of mine and I'm almost 99% sure that she took tons of pictures in the same area you did.
    She lived in Minooka, so I'm not sure if she would commute all the way anyway. Haha small world and WONDERFUL pictures. The trench coat is to die for.

    1. Savannah Jean - Nope, I've never met or heard of Mikayla... sorry! Woodstock Square is a historic area so I'm sure it's a popular choice for many photographers; very likely she did do a shoot there!
      Thanks for the comment!

  2. ohh awesome! you did a super job...and i love, love her style! where do you get your pose ideas?

    1. Thank you! Well, I mostly read other great photographers' blogs and study their photos to see what they've done, but other than that, I pretty much come up with them myself using a basic rule of bent limbs are more flattering (i.e., avoid hanging arms straight at sides, etc.). :-)

  3. She has such a lovely smile... The photographs are great!

  4. Lovely photos, lovely subject!! I love that second to last one on the bench. =)

  5. Great Job! Love them all!
    Lets wait till summer;)

    1. Agreed. Freezing doesn't make for the most enjoyable posing experience... though I have to say Abbe did a great job, she doesn't even look cold in the photos!
      Nonetheless... I'm all for doing things the easy way for yours. ;-)

  6. LOVE Woodstock Square!! =D It makes for beautiful scenery in all your shoots there! Second from last is one of my favorites... and the shots where she's laughing. Of course. ;-)

  7. Kathryn Grace I really LOVE your name!!!:) I just wanted to say that!!:) I'm glad I found your LOVELY blog!! You are really GREAT at photography!!! I LOVE IT!

  8. Wowow! This is such a great photoshoot. I love the crisp and clear colors, the lighting and the poses! I love the brick wall pictures!


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