Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Now Offering Professional Prints!

I did it.

I took the plunge. I signed up with a professional photo lab, so that I can offer you professional prints! I have needed to do this for a while, but I finally did it.

And I have decided: prints are addicting.

I got my samples back from the lab, and it was just soooo fun to hold my pictures in my hands! It's really great to look at them on the computer, but there's something about a physical product that is really thrilling. I've printed out photos once in a while for personal use on our little home printer, and they turn out fine, and that's fun, but these are 8x10s, gorgeous and EXCITING! :-)

So... hop over to the Packages page where I have updated the print options (toward the end of the page). To all my existing clients, you should have gotten an email from me with a nice introductory special just for you! :-)

You might be wondering, "What's the difference between professional prints and cheaper prints I can get at Walmart or Walgreens?"

I'm glad you asked!

Department store printers generally use inkjet printers, which essentially spray the ink on to the paper. Most photo departments will over-saturate the colors, resulting in an image that doesn't match the image you saw on the computer! The printers are just push-button run, not carefully monitored like a professional lab. One of my clients experienced this first hand; he got pictures at Walgreens, Walmart, Jewel, and a few other department store printers, and the colors were washed out and not true to the original image. The saying, "You get what you pay for," is really true!

Professional prints are printed at a professional, dedicated photo lab, using professional quality papers, and high-end printers that print using light-sensitive paper and chemical processes, resulting in actual photographs, not just inkjet prints. The colors are accurate and will last longer. They are a correct reproduction of the original picture!

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