Friday, July 29, 2011

Opa's Camera

More photos from the mini shoot with my Opa's camera!

I *love* her expression in this one!

Yeah, and this one. :-)
(She was un-smiling herself so that she would have a fresh smile for the next picture, but I thought it was cute like this!).


  1. Love your model. Does she have an agent?

  2. Mom - Um... yeah. I think so. The agent's name is Annette. I'll get you her contact info... ;-)

    Thanks, Hallie Jo! I couldn't decide if I should make it B&W or not, but I decided to do it for some variety. :-)

    Victoria - I would guess it could work, if I could get film for it. I don't have the manual or anything for it so I'd have to do some research on how it even functions. :-) But it would be really fun if I could take pictures with it!

  3. Love your mom's comment. And love that B&W shot!


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